
作者: 时间:2021-07-09 点击数:

关雄, 男,1957年10月16日生,福建莆田人,中共党员,教授,博士,博士生导师,教育部“生物农药与化学生物学”重点实验室主任,学术委员会委员。全国优秀教师,全国优秀科技工作者。 国家“新世纪百千万人才”,国家“青年千人计划”、 “青年拔尖人才”、“长江学者奖励计划” 通信评审专家。中国农业生物技术学会常务理事、微生物分会会长、中国农业生物化学与分子生物学 会常务理事,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。《农业生物技术学报》、《中国生物防治学报》、《生物安全学报》编委。福建省第七次党代会代表;中国人民政治协商会议第十届福建省委员、福建省 杰出科技人才、福建省五一劳动奖章获得者、福建省科技领军人选,首届严加显最高奖教奖学金获得者。

1982年本科毕业留校任教,坚持在教学第一线,主要承担《分子生物学》、《生物农药》、《生化与分子生物学专题》、《微生物农药》、《生命科学研究进展》等本科、硕博士研究生的教学任务。 独立指导的本科生获全国大学生“挑战杯”竞赛特等奖、一等奖、二等奖、三等奖以及累进创新奖,指导的本科生和研究生有47人(次)赴美、英、加、瑞典等合作研究和深造,40多位在北京、上海、 浙江大学等著名学府继续深造或工作。

从事生物农药研究,主持国家863、科技部攻关、国家发改委、国家自然科学基金、教育部、卫生部等31项课题,有70篇论文被SCI收录,独立撰写的专著《苏云金芽孢杆菌8010的研究》由科学 出版社出版,获授权国家发明专利24项。研究成果获2010年国家科技进步奖(第1获奖者)、2006年国家科技进步二等奖(第5完成人)、2008年福建省科技进步一等奖,2001、2005年福 建省科技进步二等奖(均为第一获奖者),两度受到江泽民、胡锦涛、习近平等党和国家领导人的接见和合影;先后10次赴美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、日本、澳大利亚、欧洲、南非、东南亚以及台湾、 香港共20个国家和地区进行学术交流和参加国际会议。


1. 福建省教委 1992-1993 苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白基因的研究

2. 福建省科委 1992-1994 苏云金杆菌基因克隆

3. 福建省政府 1993-1994 苏云金杆菌质粒及cryI基因研究

4. 福建省教委 1994-1998 病虫害的生物防治

5. 国家计委 1996-1999 高效广谱生物杀虫剂研究

6. 科技部 1996-2000 高效广谱新型苏云金杆菌遗传改良生物杀虫剂

7. 教育部 2000-2001 苏云金杆菌cry1基因的PCR-RFLP鉴定

8.福建省农业厅、财政厅 2001-2002 生物农药的增效技术示范

9.福建省农办 2001-2002 生物农药在优质枇杷基地的应用

10.科技部 2001-2003 生物农药在福建茶叶基地的示范应用研究

11. 科技厅 2002-2005 微生物农药新技术新工艺

12. 国家863 2002-2005 新型高效多功能杀菌基因工程生物农药的创制与中试应用

13. 教育部2004.5 –2006.5 农药源功能微生物菌种资源库的构建

14. 科技部 2004-2005 生物农药在福建茶叶基地的示范应用研究

15. 科技厅重点课题 2004.1-2006.12 福建省农业生物技术研究与应用平台.

16. 国家863 2005-2005 基因工程生物农药的研究与开发

17. 福建省科技厅国家项目配套 2005.4-2006.1 新型高效多功能杀菌基因工程生物农药的创制与中试

18. 国家自然科学基金 2006-2008苏云金芽孢杆菌几丁质水解酶多酶体系及蛋白功能研究

19. 福建省农业厅、福建省财政厅 2006-2007 生物农药生产后处理技术和新型助剂在茶叶上的应用示范

20. 教育部博士点基金 2007.1-2009.12 苏云金芽孢杆菌分化发育重要功能基因组研究

21. 国家自然科技平台项目 2007. 1-2007. 12 有益拮抗微生物菌种资源整理、整合

22. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)2007-2010 细菌、真菌类生物杀虫剂研究和创制

23. 卫生部科学研究基金 2008-2011 高效杀蚊Bt菌种筛选、杀蚊基因功能分析及菌株发酵优化研究

24. 教育部博士点基金 2010-2012 Bt Cry毒素的分子改造和应用研究

25. 科技部农业科技成果转化资金 2010-2012 细菌生物农药的中试与应用

26. 国家自然科学基金 2011.1-2013.12 苏云金杆菌Cry毒素抗假眼小绿叶蝉的定向筛选与改造

27、福建省科技厅产学研重点项目2012-2014 面向重要经济作物害虫生物农药创制关键技术及新制剂



30、泸州老窖股份有限公司科研基金 2013.9-2016.6白酒酒糟、窖泥DGGE和PLFA分析及酒糟发酵研究

31、国家卫生计生委共建科学研究基金----福建省卫生联合攻关计划2013-2016 杀蚊Bt菌株LLP29高效制剂的研发及其侵染蚊虫的分子机制研究


1、Zhipeng Huang, Phyllis A.Rundell, Xiong Guan, Charies A. Powell. 2004. Detection and Isolate Differentiation of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Infected Field Trees Based on Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Plant Disease, 88:625-629

2、Yi Lin, Guan Xiong, 2004. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the chitinase gene from Bacillus thuringiensis serovar alesti Biotechnology Letters, 26:635 –639

3、Zeng Ling Wu, Wen Yi Guo, Jun Zhi Qiu, Tian Pei Huang, Xun Bo Li & Xiong Guan*. 2004. Cloning and localization of vip3A gene of Bacillus thuringiensis. Biotechnology Letters, 26:1425-1428

4、Zhipeng Huang, Chunhong Guan & Xiong Guan*. 2004. Cloning, characterization and expression of a new cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis WB9. Biotechnology Letters, 26:1557-1561

5、Tianpei Huang, Jingjing Liu, Fuping Song, Changlong Shu, Junzhi Qiu, Xiong Guan, Dafang Huang , Jie Zhang. 2004. Identification, distribution pattern of IS231 elements in Bacillus thuringiensis and their phylogenetic analysis. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 241: 27-32

6、L. Wang, J. Huang, M. You X. Guan and B. Liu. 2005. Effects of toxins from two strains of Verticillium lecanii(Hyphomycetes) on bioattibutes of a predatory ladybeetle, Delphastus catalinae( Col., Coccinellidae) J.Appl.Entomol., 129(1): 32 -38

7、Zhipeng Huang , Phyllis A. Rundell , Xiong Guan & Charles A. Powell. 2005. Evaluation of the Transmission of Different Field Sources of Citrus Tristeza Virus and the Separation of Different Genotypes by Single Brown Citrus Aphids. Hortscience, 40(3):687-690

8、Xiao-Hong Huang, Qing-Xi Chen, Qin Wang, Kang-Kang Song, Jun Wang, Li Sha, Xiong Guan*. 2006. Inhibition of the activity of mushroom tyrosinase by alkylbenzoic acids. Food Chemistry,94(1):1-6

9、Xiao-Hong Huang, Qing-Xi Chen, Qin Wang, Kang-Kang Song, Jun Wang, Li Sha, Xiong Guan*. 2006. Inhibitory Effects of Fluorobenzaldehydes on the Activity of Mushroom Tyrosinase. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry,21(4):413-418

10、 L.L. Zhang, J. Lin, L.Luo, C.Y. Guan, Q. L. Zhang, Y. Guan, Y. Zhang, J. T. Ji, Z.P.Huang and X. Guan*. 2007. A Novel Bacillus thuringiensis strain LLB6 isolated from bryophyte and its new cry2Ac-type gene. Letters in Appllied Microbiology,44:301-307

11、Liande Wang, Jian Huang, Minsheng You, Xiong Guan, Bo Liu. 2007. Toxicity and feeding deterrence of crude toxin extracts of Lecanicullium(Verticullium) lecanii (Hyphomycetes) against sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Pest Management Science, 63:381-387

12、Xiaomin Yu, Tianpei Huang, Zhipeng Huang, Charles A. Powell & Xiong Guan*. 2007. Expression and characterization of inhA gene from Bacillus thuringiensis 8010. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23:1621-1625

13、Yanping Zhu, Jieru Pan, Junzhi Qiu and Xiong Guan*. 2008. Isolation and Characterization of a chitinase gene from entomopathogenic fungus Verticillum lecanii. Brazalian Journal of Microbiology,39:314-320

14、Yanping Zhu,Jieru Pan,Junzhi Qiu,Xiong Guan*. 2008. Optimization of nutritional requirements for mycelial growth and sporulation of entomogenous fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis Webber. Brazalian Journal of Microbiology,39:770-775

15、Jieru Pan,Tianpei Huang,Fan Yao,Zhipeng Huang,Charles A. Powell,Sixin Qiu,Xiong Guan*. 2008. Expression and characterization of aiiA gene from Bacillus subtilis BS-1. Microbiological Research,163:711-716

16、Weiwen Zheng , Birgitta Bergman , Bin Chen , Siping Zheng , Xiong Guan and Ulla Rasmussen. 2009. Cellular responses in the cyanobacterial symbiont during its vertical transfer between plant generations in the Azolla microphylla symbiosis. New Phytologist, 181:53-61

17、Lingling Zhang, Enjiong Huang, Ivan Gelbi, Chunyu Guan, Yi Guan & Xiong Guan*. 2009. Cloning, expression and characterisation of a promising mosquitocidal gene. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 47:799-803

18、Wenxuan Cai, Li Sha, Jiawei Zhou, Zhipeng Huang, Xiong Guan*. 2009. Functional analysis of active site residues of Bacillus thuringiensis WB7 Chitinase by site-directed mutagenesis. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25: 2147-2155

19、Lingling Zhang, Enjiong Huang, Jing Lin, Ivan Gelbic, Qunlin Zhang, Yi Guan, Tianpei Huang, Xiong Guan*. 2010. A novel Mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis Strain LLP29 Isolated from the Phylloplane of Magnolia denudate. Microbiological Research,165:133-141(IF 2.921)

20、JUN-ZHI QIU & XIONG GUAN*. 2010. A new species of Aschersonia (Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales) from China. Mycotaxon, 111: 471-475(IF 0.574)

21、JUN-ZHI QIU , CHUAN-YING SUN & XIONG GUAN*. 2010. A new pathogen of scale insects, Aschersonia fusispora sp. nov. (Clavicipitaceae) from Guangxi Province, China. Mycotaxon, 113: 81-85(IF 0.574)

22、Ma Xiaoyan, Pan Xiaohong, Cheng Yangjian, Wu ZhaoXian, Pan Danmei, Chen Zhi, Li Bin, Lin Zhang , Guan Xiong*. 2011. Effect of Different Energy Sources on Ochrobactrum anthropi Bacteria Chromium Reduction. Chinese J. Struct. Chem., 30(6):819-826(IF 0.624)

23、Bin Chen, Weiwen Zheng, Ying Yu, Wenwen Huang, Siping Zheng, Yun Zhang, Xiong Guan, Yiting Zhuang, Ning Chen, and Edward Topp. 2011. Class 1 Integrons, Selected Virulence Genes, and Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated From Minjiang River, Fujian Province, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(1):148-155(IF 3.778)

24、Lingling Zhang, Songqing Wu, Yan Peng, Mingwei Li, Linying Sun, Enjiong Huang, Xiong Guan*,Ivan Gelbič. 2011. The potential of the novel mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis strain LLP29 for use in practice. Journal of Vector Ecology, 36(2):258-260 (IF 1.256)

25、JUN-ZHI QIU, YU-BIN SU, CHONG-SHUANG WENG & XIONG GUAN*. 2011. Aschersonia conica sp. nov. ( Clavicipitaceae) from Hainan Province, China. Mycotaxon, 118:325-329 (IF 0.752)

26、Xiaohong Pan, Zhi Chen, Yangjian Cheng, Danmei Pan, Shungao Yin, Feng Huang, Xiong Guan*, Zhang Lin. 2011. The analysis of the immobilization mechanism of Ni(II) on Bacillus cereus. J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(4):3597-3603(IF 1.435)

27、Zhi Chen, Yangjian Cheng, Danmei Pan, Zhaoxian Wu, Bin Li, Xiaohong Pan, Zhipeng Huang, Zhang Lin, Xiong Guan*. 2012. Diversity of Microbial Community in Shihongtan Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits, Xinjiang, China. Geomicrobiol. J. 29:255-263, IF 1.830,4区)

28、Zhi Chen, Zhipeng Huang, Yangjian Cheng,Danmei Pan, , Xiaohong Pan, Meijuan Yu, Zhiyun Pan, Zhang Lin, Xiong Guan*, Ziyu Wu, 2012. Cr(VI) Uptake Mechanism of Bacillus cereus. Chemosphere, 87:211-216(IF 3.155, 2区)

29、Lingling Zhang, Enjiong Huang, Baozhen Tang , Xiong Guan* & Ivan Gelbič. 2012. Mosquito cellline C6/36 shows resistance to Cyt1Aa6. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 50:265-269(IF 1.251,4区)

30、Lingling Zhang, Yan Peng, Songqing Wu, Linying Sun, Enjiong Huang, Tianpei Huang, Lei Xu, Changbiao Wu, Ivan Gelbič and Xiong Guan*. 2012. Microbial Ecology and Association of Bacillus thuringiensis in Chicken feces Originating from feed. Current Microbiology, 65:784-791(IF 1.510, 4区)

31、Lingling Zhang, Qi Zhang, Enjiong Huang, Mingwei Li, Tianpei Huang, Lei Xu, Chanbiao Wu, Ivan Gelbič and Xiong Guan*. 2012. A differentially displayed mRNA relates to the resistance of Aedes albopictus selected in vitro-activated Cyt1Aa6. Journal of the America Mosquito Control Association,28:327-329,IF 1.066 , 4区)

32、Junzhi Qiu, Yubin Su, Ivan Gelbic, Yunfeng Qiu, xiaocong Xie, and Xiong Guan*. 2012. Proteomic analysis of proteins differentially expressed in conidia and mycelium of the entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia placenta. Can. J. Microbiol. 58: 1327-1334(IF 1.235, 4区)

33、Junzhi Qiu, Feifei Song, Lihui Mao, Jie Tu, Xiong Guan*. 2012. Time-Dose-Motality Data and Modeling for the entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia placenta Against the Whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Can. J. Microbiol. (Accepted on Dec. 13, 2012, IF 1.235, 4区)

34、Feipeng Wang, Enjiong Huang, Lingling Zhang, Yixin Yu and Xiong Guan. 2013. Two new species of biting midges( Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from China. Oriental Insects, 47(4): 194-198

35、Junzhi Qiu, Feifei Song, Yunfeng Qiu, Xiaoxia Li, Xiong Guan*. 2013. Optimization of the medium composition of a biphasic production system for mycelial growth and spore production of Aschersonia placenta using response surface methodology. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology,112:108-115(2区,IF 2.049)

36、Junzhi Qiu, Feifei Song, Lihui Mao, Jie Tu, Xiong Guan*. 2013. Time-Dose-Motality Data and Modeling for the entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia placenta Against the Whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Can. J. Microbiol., 59:97-101(IF 1.363, 4区)

37、Yubin Su, Qingfeng Guo, Jie Tu, Xiaoxia Li, Lixue Meng, Liping Cao, Dong Dong, Junzhi Qiu, Xiong Guan. 2013. Proteins differentially expressed in conidia and mycelia of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae sensu stricto. Can. J. Micorbiol. 59: 443-448(IF 1.363, 4区)

38、Lingling Zhang, Baozhen Tang, Enjiong Huang, Zhipeng Huang, Tianpei Huang, Zhaoxia Liu, Ivan Gelbič, Xiong Guan* and Lei Xu,. 2013. Different toxicity of the novel Bacillus thuringiensis strain LLP29 against Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus. Journal of Economic Entomology,106(3): 1098-1102(IF 1.699, 3区)

39、Lingling Zhang, Sixin Qiu, Tianpei Huang, Zhipeng Huang, Lei Xu, Changbiao Wu, Ivan Gelbič and Xiong Guan*. 2013. Effect of chemical additives on Bacillus thuringiensis against Plutella xylostella. Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(3): 1075-1080(IF 1.699, 3区)

40、Xiaohong Pan, Yonghao Wang, Zhi Chen, Danmei Pan, Yangjian Cheng, Zunjing Liu, Zhang Lin, Guan Xiong*. 2013. Investigation of Antibacterial Activity and Related Mechanism of a Series of Nano-Mg(OH)2. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,5, 1137-1142(IF 4.525, 1区)

41、Liaoyuan Zhang, Quanming Xu, Senran Zhan, Yongyu Li, Hui Lin, Shujing Sun, Li Sha, Kaihui Hu, Xiong Guan*, Yaling Shen. 2013. A new NAD(H)- dependent meso-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase from an industrially potential strain Serratia marcescens H30. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,10.1007/s00253-013-4959-x IF 3.689

42、Liaoyuan Zhang, Senran Zhan, Lizhi Chen, Xiong Guan, Kaihui Hu. 2013. Screening of traditional Chinese edible fungi for quorum sensing inhibitors activity. Research Journal of BioTechnology, 2013, 8(10): 79-83(IF 0.294,4区)

43、Changbiao Wu, Lili Wu, Lei Xu, Xiong Guan and Lingling Zhang* 2013. Parasporal crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis strain BT6, originated from the faecal of Sika Deer, demonstrates anticoccidial activity against Eimeria tenella. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 7(33):4261-4264

44、Ensi Shao, Sijun Liu, Li Lin,Xiong Guan*.2013. Proteolytic processing of Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ab in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology,114:255-257(2区IF 2.049)

45、Songqing Wu, Yanjiao Lan, Zhimao Wu, Yan Peng, Siqi Chen, Zhipeng Huang, Lei Xu, Ivan Gelbič, Xiong Guan, Lingling Zhang, Shuangquan Zou. 2013. Pretreatment of spent mushroom substrate for enhancing the conversion of fermentable sugar. Bioresource Technology, 148:596-600

46、Lingling Zhang,Jie Yu,Yufei Xie,Hongli Lin,Zhipeng Huang,Lei Xu,Ivan Gelbic,and Xiong Guan*. 2014. Biological activity of Bacillus thuringiensis Chitinase against Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Economic Entomology, 107(2):551-558(3区, IF 1.699)

47、Xiaohong Pan, Zunjing Liu, Zhi Chen, Yangjian Cheng, Danmei Pan, Jiening Shao, Zhang Lin, Xiong Guan*. 2014. Investigation of Cr(VI) reduction and Cr(III) immobilization mechanism by planktonic cells and biofilms of Bacillus subtilis ATCC-6633. Water research,55, 21-29(1区,IF 4.655)

48、Songqing Wu, Yanjiao Lan, Dongmei Huang, Yan Peng, Zhipeng Huang, Lei Xu, Ivan Gelbič, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Xiong Guan, Lingling Zhang , and Shuangquan Zou. 2014. Use of spent mushroom substrate for production of Bacillus thuringiensis by solid-state fermentation. J Econ Entomol.,107(1):137-143(3区, IF 1.6)

49、Huang Tianpei, Xiao Ying, Pan Jieru, Chen Zhi, Li Lifen, Xu Lei, Zhang Lingling, Guan Xiong *. 2014. Aerobic Cr(VI) reduction by an indigenous soil isolate Bacillus thuringiensis BRC-ZYR2. Pedosphere, 24(5): 652-661 (4区, IF 1.379)

50、Changbiao Wu, Lili Wu, Lingling Zhang, Ivan Gelbič, Lei Xu, Xiong Guan*. 2014. Characterization of eight Bacillus thuringiensis isolates originated from fecal samples of Fuzhou Zoo and FuzhouPandaCenter. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology,17(3):395–397 (4区, IF 0. 875)

51、Liaoyuan Zhang, Quanming Xu, Senran Zhan, Yongyu Li, Hui Lin, Shujing Sun, Li Sha, Kaihui Hu, Xiong Guan, Yaling Shen. 2014. A New NAD(H)-dependent meso-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase from an industrially potential strain Serratia marcescens H30. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 98:1175-1184

52、Quanming Xu, Linxiang Xie, Yongyu Li, Hui Lin, Shujing Sun, Xiong Guan, Kaihui Hu, Yaling Shen, and Liaoyuan Zhang. 2014. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for efficient production of (3R)-acetion. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol.

53、Songqing Wu, Yan Peng, Zhangmin Huang, Zhipeng Huang, Lei Xu, Gelbič Ivan, Xiong Guan, Lingling Zhang, Shuangquan Zou. Isolation and characterization of a novel native Bacillus thuringiensis strain BRC-HZM2 capable of degrading chlorpyrifos, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2015, 55, 389-397(4区,IF: 1.823)

54、Qingfeng Guo, Lili Dong, Xiangyun Zang, Zijian Gu, Xiaoyun He, Lindan Yao, Liping Cao, Junzhi Qiu, and Xiong Guan. 2015. A new azaphilone from the entomopathogenic fungus Hypocrella sp. Natural Product Research, 29(21):2000-2006 (4区,IF: 0.919)

55、Zhi Chen, Hui Chen, Xiaohong Pan, Zhang Lin, Xiong Guan. 2015. Investigation of methylene blue biosorption and biodegradation by Bacillus thuringiensis 016. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2015, 226:146 (3区,IF: 1.554)

56、Zhi Chen, Xiaohong Pan, Hui Chen, Zhang Lin, Xiong Guan. 2015. Investigation of lead(II) uptake by Bacillus thuringiensis 016. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.,31: 1729-1736(4区,IF: 1.779)

57、Zhi Chen, Xiaohong Pan, Hui Chen, Xiong Guan, Zhang Lin. 2015. Biomineralization of Pb(II) into Pb-hydroxyapatite induced by Bacillus cereus 12-2 isolated from Lead-Zinc mine tailings. Journal of Hazardous Materials,301:531-537(2区,IF: 4.529)

58、Xiaohong Pan, Zhi Chen, Fanbing Chen, Yangjian Cheng, Zhang Lin, Xiong Guan. 2015. The mechanism of uranium transformation from U(VI) into nano-uramphite by two indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis strains. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 297: 313-319 (2区,IF: 4.331)

59、Feipeng Wang, Enjiong Huang, Lingling Zhang, Yixin Yu, Xiong Guan and Ming An Ouyang. Two new species of the genus Dasyhelea Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from China. Oriental Insects, 2015, 48: 312-315(4区,IF: 0.268)

60、Qi Zheng, Bairong Lin, Qiuping Zhang, Songqing Wu, Songtao Wang, Xinxin He, Yibin Wang, Xiong Guan, Xiao-Hong Huang. 2015. Treating distillers’ grain from the Luzhou/aroma flavor industry to degrade fiber. Energy and Fuels, 29:4305-4310( 2区,IF: 2.79)

61、Qi Zheng, Bairong Lin, Yibin Wang, Qiuping Zhang, Xinxin He, Ping Yang, Jun Zhou, Xiong Guan, Xiaohong Huang. 2015. Proteomic and high-throughput analysis of protein expression and microbial diversity of microbes from 30- and 300-year pit muds of Chinese Luzhou-flavor liquor,Food Research International,75:305-314(2区,IF: 2.818)

62、Tianpei Huang, Xiaomin Yu, Ivan Gelbic, Xiong Guan. 2015. RAP-PCR fingerprinting reveals time-dependent expression of development-related genes following differentiation process of Bacillus thuringiensis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 61:683-690(4区,IF: 1.221 )

63、Tianpei Huang, Ying Xiao, Jieru Pan, Lingling Zhang, Ivan Gelbic, Xiong Guan. 2015. Characterization of cry1Cb3 and cry1Fb7 from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae. Open Life Sci, 10: 521-528(4区,IF: 0.7 )

64、Xiaoyun He, Xuezhu Du, Xiangyun Zang, Lili Dong, Zijian Gu, Liping Cao, Dafu Chen, Nemat O. Keyhani, Lindan Yao, Junzhi Qiu, Xiong Guan. 2015. Extraction, identification and antimicrobial activity of a new furanone, Grifolaone A, from Grifola frondosa. Natural Product Research,online

65、 Songqing Wu, Wei Wu, Xiaoli Zhu, Zhaoxia Liu, Carballar-Lejarazú Rebeca, Tao Fu, Chaoqiang Han, Ensi Shao, Xiaohong Pan, Zhipeng Huang, Lei Xu, Shuangquan Zou, Lingling Zhang & Xiong Guan. 2016. Physiological and biochemical response of Aedes aegypti tolerance to Bacillus thuringiensis. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 26: 227-238

66、Songqing Wu, Xiaoli Zhu, Zhaoxia Liu, Ensi Shao, Carballar-Lejarazu Rebeca, Yajie Guo, Yueting Xiong, Yani Mou, Runxue Xue, Xia Hu, Guanghong Liang, Shuangquan Zou, Xiong Guan, Feiping Zhang. 2016. Plos One, DOI: 10.1371/journal. Pone.0147855

67、Li Sha, Ensi Shao, Xiong Guan, Zhipeng Huang, 2016. Purification and partial characterization of intact and truncated chitinases from Bacillus thuringiensis HZP7 expressed in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Letters,38:279-284

68、Ensi Shao, Li Lin, Chen Chen, Hanze Chen, Haohan Zhuang, Songqing Wu, Li Sha,Xiong Guan & Zhipeng Huang. 2016. Loop replacements with gutbinding peptides in Cry1Ab domain II enhanced toxicity against the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Scientific Report, DOI: 10.1038/srep.20106

69、Ruiqing Dai, Xiaoyu Su, Xin Jin, Jie Zhang, Xiong Guan, Chen Chen, Changlong Shu, and Tianpei Huang. 2016. Cloning, Expression, Purification, and Insecticidal Activity 5 of a Novel Cry1Na3 Toxin From Bacillus thuringiensis BRC-ZYR2. Journal of Economic Entomology, 2016, 1–7. doi: 10.1093/jee/tow031

70、Liaoyuan Zhang, Zewang Guo, Jiebo Chen, Quanming Xu, Hui Lin, Kaihui Hu, Xiong Guan, Yaling Shen. 2016. Mechanism of 2,3-butanediol stereoisomers formation in a newly isolated Serratia sp. T241. Scientific Report, ( Accepted, 151207)


关雄 1997《苏云金芽孢杆菌8010的研究》科学出版社

关雄(副主编)2010.4 《害虫生物防治》(第四版)(普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材)科学出版社








1、一种生物药肥的制备方法 发明人:关雄、黄志鹏、张灵玲 授权日:2005.5.20

2、一种苏云金芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂增效剂 发明人:关雄、邱思鑫、黄天培、吴永先 授权日:2006.2.8

3、一种高效价苏云金杆菌制剂的制备方法 发明人:关雄、黄志鹏、陈锦权 授权日:2006.4.5

4、一种苏云金杆菌制剂杀虫增效剂 发明人:关雄、邱思鑫、黄天培、吴永先 授权日:2006.6.7

5、一种微生物杀虫剂增效剂 发明人:关雄、邱思鑫、黄天培、吴永先 授权日:2006.6.7

6、粉虱座壳孢菌孢子萌发培养基 发明人:关雄、朱炎平、潘洁茹、谢雪钦、邱君志、张鸿声、李世雨、肖顺、张绍升 授权日:2008.3.25

7、粉虱座壳孢菌产孢培养基 发明人:关雄、朱炎平、潘洁茹、谢雪钦、邱君志、张鸿声、李世雨、肖顺、张绍升 授权日:2009.12.1

8、粉虱座壳孢菌生长培养基 发明人:关雄、朱炎平、潘洁茹、谢雪钦、邱君志、张鸿声、李世雨、肖顺、张绍升 授权日:2010.1.6

9、高产耐高温蛋白酶的苏云金芽孢杆菌筛选及培养方法 发明人:关雄、郑毅、黄志鹏、黄必旺、黄天培、沙莉、李今煜、张群林、吴昌标、余洁、张灵玲 授权日:2010.8.25

10、一种两罐法发酵生产苏云金芽胞杆菌的方法 发明人:吴丽云、关雄 授权日:2012.8.29

11、杀蚊苏云金芽孢杆菌液体培养基 发明人:张灵玲、陈宇熹、关雄、黄天培、叶舒婷、林志艺、蔡美凤、郑毅、吴丽云、吴松青、翁林捷、沙莉 授权日:2012.4.18

12、一种苏云金杆菌液态发酵培养基的制备方法 申请人:张灵玲、吴松青、彭艳、关雄、张小娟、黄冬梅、陈忍、姚祖杰、张小娟 申请日:2011.9.3;公开日:2011.10.10;实审日:2011.12.28 授权发文日:2012.9.28

13、啤酒废弃物生化利用的预处理方法 发明人:吴丽云、关雄、黄俊仁、何金清 专利号:ZL 201110094439.1 申请日: 2011.04.15 授权时间:2013.3.27

14、以啤酒废弃物为原料制作Bt培养基的方法及产品 发明人:吴丽云、关雄、何金清、陈国荣、黄颖、黄丽萍、龚英、郑毅、陈宇熹 专利号:ZL 2011 1 0094440.4 申请日: 2011.04.15 授权时间:2013.3.27

15、一种苏云金杆菌固态发酵培养基的制备方法 申请人:张灵玲、吴松青、彭艳、关雄、黄冬梅、陈忍、姚祖杰、张小娟 专利号:ZL 201110207054.1 申请日:2011.7.23 授权时间:2013.5.15

16、一种苏云金芽胞杆菌乳化发酵培养基 发明人:张灵玲、许雷、关雄、张永嵘 专利号:ZL 201210278484.7 申请日:2012.8.7 授权时间:2013.6.19

17、一种绿僵菌发酵生产酯酶的培养基及方法 发明人:邱君志、苏礼超、涂洁、宋飞飞、关雄、邱云锋、李小霞、郭庆丰、何肖云、吴国辉 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0319225.4 申请日: 2012.9.3 授权时间:2013.7.3

18、一种苏云金芽胞杆菌产晶胞阶段的发酵罐 发明人:吴丽云、关雄 申请日:2010.12.25 专利号:ZL 2010 1 0623742.1 授权时间:2013.10.2

19、一种扁座壳孢菌菌丝快速生长培养基 申请人:邱君志、宋飞飞、邱云锋、李小霞、关雄、谢小聪 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0268659.6 申请日:2012.07.31 授权时间:2013.10.23

20、一种从粉虱座壳孢菌代谢物中提取抑菌剂的方法 发明人:邱君志、毛丽慧、郭庆丰、李小霞、涂洁、关雄、邱云锋、宋飞飞 申请日:2012.8.15 授权日:2014.2.19 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0288828.2

21、一种从赭色小莫勒菌中提取杜斯塔宁的方法 发明人:邱君志、毛丽慧、宋飞飞、邱云锋、关雄、涂洁、张伟、谢小聪 申请日:2012.8.15 授权日:2014.4. 9 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0288827.8

22、对水稻褐飞虱高毒力的Bt毒素Cry1Ab-loop2-P2S和工程菌 发明人:张灵玲、邵恩斯、关雄、刘斯军、庄浩瀚、许碧虹、林莉、林立金 申请日:2012.11.5 授权日:2014.5. 21 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0433476.5

23、一种座壳孢菌油剂及其与烯啶虫胺的复配杀虫剂 发明人:邱君志、宋飞飞、邱云锋、谢小聪、关雄、李小霞、涂洁 申请日:2012.5.26 授权日:2014.7.9 专利号:ZL 201210166222.1

24、悬钩子环斑病毒RT-PCR检测引物及检测方法 发明人:黄天培、吴媛、方志鹏、廖富荣、关雄 申请日:2013.7.24 授权日:2014.9 专利号:ZL 201310313071.2

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