
School of Foreign Languages

School of Foreign Languages

The School of Foreign Languages (SFL) currently has 19 faculty members holding senior professional titles (including four professors), 24 holding intermediate professional titles, and one foreign teacher, with the rest holding primary-level professional titles. SFL also has an administrative staff of 10. All SFL faculty are armed with a master’s degrees, and among them are a “Provincial-level Eminent Teacher” and two “Institutional-level Eminent Teachers”. SFL has three supervisors of master’s programs, and under their supervision, nearly 80 master’s students have completed their graduate studies. SFL offers three majors: English, Business English, and Japanese. In addition, there is a teaching and research section for College English (public English), which is responsible for public foreign language courses in the university. Over the past five years, with five faculty members serving as their coaches, eight students have won national awards. SFL graduates have an employment rate of more than 95%. Every year, many SFL graduates are admitted to master’s degree programs in colleges and universities at home and abroad.

There are three provincial-level excellent courses, one provincial characteristic specialty construction site (English), one pilot provincial comprehensive reform project, and one provincial major teaching reform project, as well as three institutional-level excellent courses and one institutional-level key discipline.

Over the past five years, professional teachers have undertaken projects for the Ministry of Education, the State Language Commission and the Fujian Social Sciences Union, and they have published about 100 scholarly papers and 10 books, making remarkable achievements in using languages as tools to serve society.

SFL boasts a wide range of advanced teaching equipment and facilities, including nine language laboratories, three professional laboratories, and one language learning centers. SFL has built 21 bases for student internship and practical skills training, and at present, 11 internship bases are frequently used.

Data above updated to June 2021

(Translated by Zhang Yuting, Intern and MTI postgraduate)

